The Chart
Standardizing cooking is impossible. Indeed, cooking is an art, it is the chef’s dexterity that makes the success of a recipe. Yet, the Bouillabaisse, the ultimate Marseille specialty, demands very specific ingredients if one wants to respect the tradition and not cheat the customer. The object of this chart is to detail the elements of a quality Bouillabaisse, while respecting the art of the professional, with a view to promoting this regional dish among customers.
The History of the Bouillabaisse
Originally, the Bouillabaisse was a fishermen’s dish. When sorting out the fish for sale, they put aside some pieces for themselves and their families.So it is a simple and familial dish, which has been developed over the years and may now include thickening sauce and shellfish.
The Service
How to serve the Bouillabaisse of Marseille is left to the restaurateur’s appreciation, but usually, this preparation is served in 2 different dishes : one for the fish, the other for the soup. Depending on the customer’s taste, both may be mixed together in the soup plate or served separately.
The essential rule is to cut the fish in front of the guests. The « rouille » will be served with croutons
The Recipe
Serves 8 people
– 4 weevers
– 2 dories
– 4 gurnards
– 1 anglerfish
– 2 capons
– 1 eel
– kilos of rockfish soup
– salt, pepper, onions, garlic, saffron, olive oil, sticks and grains of fennel, parsley, potatoes, tomatoes and 2 glasses of Pastis.
Thin slice the onions, crush the garlic and brown all in 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
Cut the 3 tomatoes in pieces.
Add a tablespoon of tomato purée, the pieces of tomatoes, the dried fennel and 2 doses of saffron. Add the 2 kilos of rockfish and fill up with water (up to 4 cms over the fish).
Add salt and pepper and cook for 20 minutes.
Blend the fish soup, seep it through and cook for an extra 10 minutes.
1. Peel and slice the potatoes (2 cms thick), to be added to the fish soup.
2. According to size, place the fish on top of the potatoes in the fish kettle. Lay it in decreasing order : gurnard, weever, dory, anglerfish, eel, capon. On option, you can add slipper lobsters or a spiny lobster .
3. Fill up the kettle with the left over soup, it needs to be well covered. Check the seasoning. Add the saffron, cook at high heat for 5 minutes then set to low and cook for 30 mns.
4. The spicy Provençal sauce « rouille » : whip up the sauce with 3 yokes as for an ailloli. Add the salt, crushed garlic, then drizzle with olive oil and add the saffron.
5. Slice the bread in croutons (1 cm thick) , rub with garlic and soak in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Put them in the oven (220°C). Then spread them with a tablespoon of Rouille. Serve the soup, topped with the croutons, in small tureens.
6. Serve the fish separately.
7. The secret of the chef : Before serving, pour a good dose of pastis in the broil and whisk.
8. Serve in the presentation tureen.
NB. Our bouillabaisse is made with mineral water.
Cooking Lessons
For those who wish to know all the secrets of the authentic Bouillabaisse, Miramar organizes cooking lessons in their own kitchen.
Organized by the Tourism Office, every 3rd Thursday of the month, join us and discover the preparation of this marseillaise recipe. The Bouillabaisse course is open to all, whether cook, gourmet or one simply keen on learning this recipe which is much appreciated by Marseillais and anyone having had the opportunity to taste it.
Classes begin at 10.30 am and finish at 2.00 pm with the tasting of the Bouillabaisse prepared during the session.
Booking via the Tourism Office website (address below) or by telephone : 0826 500 500.