Business Meals

Join us in a very pleasant setting, enjoy a high-quality service and you will share a wonderful moment with your business contacts.

Miramar is at your service with its know-how to welcome groups. Numerous personalities (politicians, « people », business managers…) regularly choose Miramar to please their hosts.

The truly gastronomic embassy of Marseille, the place is perfect for having one’s hosts discover all the delicious fragrances and flavours of Provence.

You may choose to book a table inside, and enjoy a warm setting or outside, in our heated terrasse and its outstanding view overlooking the Vieux-Port and Notre-Dame de la Garde.

Bouillabaisse Menu
Miramar Menu
Truffe Menu
Menus are for groups or more than 10 persons.

Dining Rooms Renting


30 personnes ou jusqu’à 150 personnes pour une privatisation complète du restaurant.


La salle peut être louée pour une durée de 3 heures.
Le matin de 9 h à 12 h et l’après midi de 15 h à 18 h.


Le matin : jus d’orange, croissants, pains aux chocolats, café ou thé.
15 € par personne.
L’après midi : mignardises, gâteau, café ou thé.
15 € par personne.


We are disposed to organise Banquet or other event
We are studying your propositions